Nursing Home Resident Burned by Improperly Served Hot Chocolate

A 73-year-old woman sustained second-degree burns on her leg after scalding hot chocolate spilled from a cup without a protective lid, onto her lap. The Carriage House of Bay City was issued an immediate jeopardy citation for failing to provide…

Bed Sheet Used to Improperly Restrain Detroit Nursing Home Resident

A nurse at St. Francis Nursing Center in Detroit ordered a nurse assistant to tie a highly agitated and confused resident to his chair with a bed sheet. An immediate jeopardy violation was issued to the facility for violating the…

Diabetic Resident Dies from Lack of Treatment for Low Blood Sugar at Boulevard Manor in Detroit

A diabetic resident of Boulevard Manor nursing home in Detroit, Michigan, died because nurses failed to properly treat her with an emergency dose of glucose for perilously low blood sugar levels.  Michigan nursing home inspectors flagged the facility with an…