Nursing Home Restraint Injury Lawyers
A fundamental right and aspect of our personal dignity is the ability to be free to move and go where we want to go. This right does not change just because a person is in the care of a nursing home or long-term care facility.
Unfortunately, in some instances nursing homes and long-term care facilities use restraints on the elderly simply to make it easier for them to handle a resident who may be agitated. Little consideration is given to the physical or mental damage caused to the resident when they are wrongfully restrained.
Restraints should be used sparingly, and only as a last option in order to keep a resident from harming him or herself. If a restraint is necessary, it should only be used while the person presents this harm, and should be removed after the period of agitation is over.
When Nursing Homes and Care Facilities Wrongfully Restrain Residents, We Fight Back for the Damages Inflicted
Restraints can cause physical and emotional injuries, particularly if they are administered repeatedly. Residents may suffer long-term psychological damage and fear which may be impossible to undo.
We understand.
We know that you would never tolerate anyone causing harm to your parents or loved ones, particularly through the wrongful use of restraints. When restraints are wrongfully used, we seek to hold nursing homes and long-term care facilities accountable for the injuries and damages that result.
Call Us to Find Out How We May Be Able to Help
If a parent or loved one has been wrongfully restrained in a nursing home or care facility, please call us. We can learn about the facts and circumstances relating to the wrongful restraint, and can advise you of the legal opportunities to recover against those responsible.
There is no fee for this consultation, and if we accept your case, there will be no fee to us unless and until we recover a settlement or award.