A TIA is a transient Ischemic Attack. This happens when there is a temporary decrease in the amount of blood flow (oxygen) to a part of the brain. The signs and symptoms may be different, depending on the area of the brain involved. Signs and Symptoms can include: Sudden weakness, paralysis or numbness on one side of the body, changes in vision, difficulty speaking, loss of coordination, balance or dizziness, memory problems or confusion or sudden severe headache, facial pain, vomiting or altered consciousness. A TIA does not cause permanent brain damage and the symptoms resolve within 24 hours. A TIA can be a ‘warning’ sign of a potential stroke and should be evaluated.
Risk factors for a stroke include things you can change and things you can not. Things you cannot change are: 1. Advanced aging 2. Family history 3. Race (blacks have a higher risk) 4. Gender (men are at higher risk) 5. History of a prior Stroke. But, things that you can be changed or controlled include 1. High blood pressure 2. Obesity 3. Diabetes 4. Physical Inactivity 5. Elevated blood cholesterol 6. Smoking 7. Oral contraceptives 8. Abusing Alcohol consumption .