To demonstrate revision of the Fall Care Plan, created as an example in Tip #18, the following changes could be made by utilizing appropriate stages of the nursing process. Again, the necessary changes made in the plan of care should be based on how and why the problem occurred and identified by reassessment. The focus would be directed toward prevention of fall or problem from reoccurring. In this case, if a fall occurred or your loved one continued to attempt unsafe, self-transfers, new intervention may include adding the use of a pressure sensor alarm for the bed and chair, (to replace the personal alarm if it was not effective). The Therapy Department may also prove to be a helpful resource and a referral could be ordered for them to evaluate. Placing your loved one in an observable location while up in a chair (for example, the nursing station), engaging them in activities of their choice, and providing one-on-one supervision (or involve family members), as needed, may be other interventions to be considered. It may also be determined that the physical assistance of two for ambulation, toileting and transfers with the use of a gait belt may create a safer situation. Remember, these are simply examples; new interventions depend on the individual problems that exist. Educating the staff, resident (if appropriate) and family about fall prevention strategies should be an ongoing intervention. The nursing process is a helpful tool, when utilized correctly, to assure that quality of care is provided to your loved one.