A Resident Council is an independent, organized group of people living in a nursing home who meet on a regular basis and are given the opportunity to discuss issues or concerns regarding the home. When you become a resident at a nursing home, ask the social worker if a Resident Council exists; if not, ask if the social worker could organize the group for all the residents. As a resident, you can expect the facility to provide the opportunity to take part in the decision-making process and offer recommendation in the facility. These meetings provide a chance for individuals to speak up as a group. Participation in these meetings is one means to influence the overall quality of life at the nursing home. Communication between staff and residents could improve and friendships between residents may develop. You also have the opportunity to provide a source of new ideas and assist the facility in planning activities and events. The facility administration has a responsibility to respond to all concerns and suggestions raised by the Resident Council. Help make the most out of your Resident Council, attend the meetings and be a part of positive changes in your nursing home!