The Consequences of Falsifying Medical Records: The Case of Nurse Patricia Lynn Nash

In the healthcare industry, nurses play a crucial role in providing quality care to patients. They are entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining accurate and reliable medical records, which serve as vital documentation for patient care. Unfortunately, not all healthcare…

Complex Problem Solving: The hybrid approach used to resolve the claims against Farid Fata, M.D.

By Donna M. MacKenzie (Olsman MacKenzie & Wallace) and Robert F. Riley (Riley & Hurley) What do you do with 43 claimants represented by 11 different lawyers, and over a dozen defendants with an equal number of defense attorneys? For…

Telephone Call From Mike Wallace

The death of Mike Wallace recently brought to mind a highly inaccurate report he gave on 60 Minutes several years ago regarding medical malpractice. It was a biased, one-sided view that failed to take into consideration the devastating effect of medical negligence on patients and their families.

Misuse of Antipsychotic Drugs by Nursing Homes Could Lead to Penalties

Health and Human Services Inspector General Daniel Levinson suggested recently that nursing homes that misuse and/or overuse antipsychotic drugs should be penalized by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This proposition was discussed during testimony to a Senate Special…


In virtually every appearance he makes, presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry talks about how Texas has very restrictive laws preventing victims of malpractice from seeking justice in the court system. Unfortunately, the “Perry Experiment” in Texas is a…

Medical Malpractice Should Not Be Part of the Budget Debate

During the recent debate on the government debt ceiling, republicans repeatedly called for amendments having to do with more malpractice reforms to “save money.” More than 100,000 people per year die as a result of preventable medical injury, Medical mistakes…

Cases We Cannot Accept

There is an erroneous public perception that malpractice cases are rampant and that doctors and hospitals are continuously sued. This is 100% false. The public acts on a tiny percentage of actionable malpractice. We look at a fair number of…


Doctors in Michigan finally succeeded  in getting a law passed that they believe will allow them to say “I am sorry” to a patient or a family without concern that this will be used against them in litigation. There was…