Finding the Best Nursing Home for Your Loved-One; Paring Down the List

Choosing to admit a loved-one to a nursing home is a difficult enough decision.  Once that decision has been made, the job becomes even more overwhelming.  How do you choose the best nursing home, and where do you start? According…

Communication Tips for Care Givers

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease usually becomes a full-time, stressful job, but often is most rewarding. After a new survey recently released by the National Family Care givers Association (NFCA) and Forest Laboratories, Inc. was conducted, the…

Study on Valuing the Invaluable

As a person with a small child, I quickly appreciated all of the studies discussing the “economic value” that a stay-at-home mother brings to her family. She saves thousands of dollars in cost such as daycare, cleaning services, errand services,…